An Alterric employee speaks on the phone

Press and media

Here you will find an overview of all press releases from Alterric. If you are looking for further information about our company, need image material, or want to speak to a specialist for wind energy or market topics, get in contact with us. We’re always happy to help.

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Press Releases

Dr Frank May


Future sole Managing Director of Alterric named as Dr Frank May

Green energy market leader gains experienced manager / Start on April 1, 2022

Alterric at HUSUM Wind 2021


Alterric at HUSUM Wind 2021

New brand, familiar faces: Meet our Alterric wind experts in hall 4, booth C15

Stefan Dohler (left) and Heiko Janssen (right) present the Alterric logo


AWS and EWE establish joint venture for project management and operation

The Aloys Wobben Stiftung (AWS) and the EWE AG have successfully launched their joint venture for onshore wind energy projects.

Heiko Janssen (left) and Stefan Dohler (right) after signing an agreement to establish a joint venture


Aloys Wobben Foundation and EWE get joint venture off the ground

The Aloys Wobben Foundation and EWE signed a shareholder and investment agreement to establish a joint venture.


Aloys Wobben Foundation and EWE are joining forces to develop wind energy

The partnership aims to significantly and sustainably increase the share of renewable energies across sectors.