Wind and solar power on location
open dialogue
fixed contact persons
financial participation
Information and transparency from the very beginning
Is an Alterric wind farm being planned for your region, or does one already exist? If so, then you might have some questions you would like to ask us. As your wind neighbour, we are always happy to discuss any theme with you.
Wind power: Protection of wildlife?By fostering the transition to renewable energy, we are doing our part in helping protect the climate. It’s a fact that global warming caused by fossil fuels will continue to endanger species and their habitats in Germany. To stop man-made climate change, we need renewable energies such as wind power. Their contribution is vital in achieving our climate goals.
But there is something else that needs protection: the natural habitat where we plan our wind farm projects. That is why we adhere to the strictest of rules in all projects to protect the flora and fauna, especially bird and bat species. Each project location is unique. That is why our wind farm developers are in close contact with the local nature conservation authorities. This way, we can develop measures that promote a good coexistence of wind energy and nature.
Wind power: What noises come from the turbines?When it comes to noise emissions, there has been a very interesting discovery: even during stronger winds, a modern wind turbine operating at maximum capacity are still below the official noise protection limits. Even from 200 meters, the sound emission is less than 50 decibels (for reference: phone calls are 70). For residents, it will be even quieter, because wind turbines must have a distance of at least 500 meters to residential buildings. In addition, everyday noises such as road traffic or the wind in treetops often cancel out the sounds made by wind turbines.
Wind power: How can I participate in the energy transition?Aspects like trade taxes and rental income generated by local wind energy create considerable added value for municipalities. In many cases, Alterric also offers residents opportunities for financial participation, for example via a fixed-interest savings certificate. During information events, we involve citizens at an early stage. For example, we use computer-generated images to show what plants will look like when integrated into the landscape. We also make sure to answer every question regarding the project.
And because the information flow should never stop, we encourage dialogue even when the turbines are in operation. For us, everyone who works at Alterric is there to listen and provide you with answers.
Your contact persons
Team Politics and Communication